Lawd I've gone to the smutty side.
So those of you who know me, know that I’m all about horror stuff. And yes, that’s still correct, but I’m making a switch… or maybe a tilt slightly sideways (smutways?). Originally, I was going to low-key add some smut into my horror and likely throw a fit when the publishers tried to get me to pull a fade-to-black instead. But my mind is officially changed, my lovelies. For a myriad of reasons—mostly time, egotistical fortitude, and creative control—I’m going to jump on into self-publishing, and with that, I can add all the smut I want!
So buckle up fuckers! It’s gonna get damp in here.
I have SO MANY books in mind. Firstly, because laziness, I’ll be revamping Tripping Stone to suit my smuttier needs as a paranormal romance. Then I’ll be opening up the world—which I may or may not insinuate is our own, despite its fantastical nature—with Sacred Iniquity to introduce a motley crew of otherworldly badasses (angels and demons and vampires, OH MY!) who are off to save the world, assuming they can get their shit together first. I plan on releasing a series of prequel novellas (or novelettes, not sure how long they’ll be) introducing our characters and testing out the self-publishing platforms before a drop a whole-ass novel.
After that, I have a few contemporaries on a burner, including a second-chance, MMF romance, along with a fetish club anthology series. I’ll drop another paranormal or two with my novel Tethered, which was mostly finished and will now be rewritten for all the angsty steam. Oh, and for you omegaverse fans out there, I’ll have a futuristic anthology series (set a hundred years or so from now), that will get progressively more desolate as they go. This will not be your sister’s sweetverse! Not that there’s anything wrong with that… I love sweet. I just won’t be writing it.
What you really need to know here, is that I plan on writing a type of character I haven’t seen much, if any, of in modern romance. Most of the main female characters these days range from meek to tough but reserved, still needing their desires justified, if only in their heads. Where are my unabashed badasses? My bold, confident, unapologetic ladies? My take-what-we-want-with-consent and save-our-damn-selves women? I need less Julia Roberts, more Charlize Theron dammit! Not that Julia doesn’t have her place in my Jason-take-the-wheel moods, but I’m starving for Furiosa, not to mention her epic Atomic Blonde ass-kickery.
Anyway, that’s what’s up. I’ll be over here writing and editing and researching and shit. You go be your best self for a while and I’ll hit you up with all the smutty goodness soon enough. Follow me on Facebook or Twitter if you want regular updates.